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92 - Icon Moments
Robinnnn vaaan Peeersieeeee
By Pimskievs, 21-03-2022

I've packed him from one of my Weekend League packs. First thing i thought: Sell. But in the start of the season I've tried is baby-icon and was pretty impressed, so I thought: Let's give it a go.

No regrets. He feels strong. Has a good pace, is in the right place at the right time and the finishing is absolutely phenomenal.

I used to play 4-4-2 in general, but this new one I changed it to a 4-1-2-1-2. Eusebio on the left and the flying dutchman on the right with Maradonna as CAM.

It's a delight this threesome. Eusebio is super complete, but doens't have the length, Maradonna has the agility, the passes, the dribbling, the smoothness. And now with van Persie, I allso have the guy who can finish everything he touches.

Does it sound like a pay-2-win team? probably. But my Maradonna and Eusebio both are untradable. This season of fifa 22 gave me a lot of good players.

Back on van Persie: Is he worth 1M? In this stage of the game I would say yes, but it's unlikely he will stay this high. He brings a lot of fun in your gameplay, but you need to have more gamechangers in your squad. But overall: Pretty good card.

* Finishing (no matter in, or outside box + volley's are remarkable!)

* Pace (with hunter you outrun al lot of people there)

* Dribble (for a tall guy he's pretty agile + composure is spot on)

Balance. In a straight line unstopable, but sometimes feels little clunky.

Formation: 41212
Position: ST
Games: 23
GPG: 1.57
APG: 0.43
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
By pokeopolis, 13-03-2022

What a player! Couldn't believe I packed this guy in the Mid/Prime Icon Player Pick. With his moments card, Van Persie gets a SIGNIFICANT dribbling boost which helps this card IMMENSELY! His shooting stats are pretty much perfect and with his High/Low work rate, he can get inside the box at the perfect time. Now, he is 6'2" so even with a dribbling boost and Engine chem style boosting the balance, he can still feel clunky on the ball. However, this wasn't much of an issue when I used him. As long as you know how to left stick dribble, he will do fine when moving around and into the box for the goal. He is currently extinct on the market at 1.2 million but honestly I could see him settling at 1.2 or 1.5 million coins after the price update. Definitely a physical type striker for sure, but if you like Van Persie and know how to play with bulky strikers (Lukaku, Haaland, Banza), you will enjoy this card.

  • Finishing
  • Close Touch Dribbling
  • Heading (when in good spaces for the shot)
  • High/Low Work Rates
  • Positioning

  • Can be clunky in bad gameplay
  • Stamina but only in the 75th minute

Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 10
GPG: 0.80
APG: 0.60
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Mister targetman
By thrithion, 29-04-2022

In Champs I normally get rank V/IV. I still needed a complete target man, and RVP is an excellent choice for that task. In combination with the hawk chem style, he is an excellent finisher within the box, who in the fifty games I played with him also managed to score headers very regularly, (love the power header trait on this card). I don't really play on pace or through balls, so RVP his pace was not really concerning for me. His pace is good not great, like you would expect. Same for physicals, he doesn't normally win duels from players like flashback Varane or anything. But it's good enough.

Shooting wise he is insane, and I don't really know why but I scored more with his right foot than with his left. With the hawk it feels like he has 5* weak foot though, And here and there he even scored a longshot. His passing is excellent for a striker, nothing bad to say about that. But his dribbling really isn't and that is frustrating, even for a target man. With bad gameplay he turns like a cargo ship, and doesn't feel responsive at all. My tactic was to use RVP purely as a target man in a two striker formation, with the result that there were regularly matches, in which van Persie was literally invisible for ninety minutes, but scored several times.

RVP on FIFA reminds me of Inzaghi in real life at Milan. Just standing in the right place at the right time and shooting the ball into the net and be completely invisible the rest of the match, and with his shooting stats that role fits him pretty well.

  • Shooting
  • Heading
  • Positioning
  • Passing is outstanding for a striker
  • Outside the foot shot trait
  • Pace isn't great
  • Physicality
  • Surely not the most responsive player
  • Stamina isn't great
Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 60
GPG: 0.97
APG: 0.37
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Sadly huge disappointment :(
By Oliverrbro, 16-05-2022

RVP has always been one of my favourite players irl and as soon as i saw his sbc,i knew i had to get him. Even before doing the sbc,I expected him to feel slightly heavy and I knew he wont be as agile as top tier strikers such as Mbappe,Neymar etc..After few games I sadly had to bench him. This card felt just way too clunky which makes his pros (shooting) pretty unusable,his stats feel just so wrong,the card could make you think that you are playing one of the top strikers and then you get insanely disappointed after few games with him. This card just aint worth it,paying over 200k for a striker whose single outstanding ability is only shooting just doesnt feel right.

-Shooting (This one feels great,his shooting is on same level as the one of TOTYs,top tier icons,when he gets the chance to take a shot then you know it will most likely end up with a goal)

-Passing (Even tho he misses some of the long passes,his short passing is just awesome for a striker,really helpful while building up an attack)

-Weakfoot (His weakfoot might only have 4* but it easily feels like 5,I didnt hesitate to take shots also with his left foot which is nice cause thats how i remember him being irl,scoring with left and right :) )

-Heading (He feels really tall in game and can score some beauties with his head too)

-Work rates and positioning (These ones felt rly good,he was never out of position and the High/Low work rates are just perfect for a striker imo)

Oh where do I much as I love RVP in real life I cant say much positive about his card in game,EA did him dirty :(

-Pace (The 88 pace on card could make you think that he aint the slowest one but in game it feels as if it was only around 80,he cant outrun defenders which are by far slower than him)

-Dribbling and body type (As mentioned above,I didnt expect RVP to do crazy turns or be dribbler cause he wasnt such type of player irl but he wasnt as clunky as in game as well...I wont lie if i say that it feels as if you were playing with a typical center back as your striker. He just turns so heavy and when you try to dribble with him,he will lose the ball directly,the only way you can play this card is by basically passing to him and take direct shot)

-Stamna (His stamina aint that bad actually due to High/Low work rates but if the match gets extended by extra time then you better have some striker on the bench to replace him)

-Strength (Even tho his body type in game and his strength on card (80) could suggest that he is able to win some duels,its just not the case)

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 85
GPG: 0.78
APG: 0.49
Pace (4/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (4/10)
Defending (2/10)
Physicality (3/10)